With 17+ years of experience, I am proud to bring my quality work and products to the market with cutting-edge technologies in the hair science. Outstanding selections and affordable prices are the cornerstone of Royal Hair Extensions.
Our well-conceived methods and professional staff are what makes Royal Hair Extensions the world’s foremost authority on hair extensions and hair replacement for women.
Enjoy our services from the privacy of your own home.
We use only the finest, 100% natural human hair and are certified in every method of hair extensions that will suite your needs.
We perform over 100 methods of applications and all hair is in stock for same day application.
We are the one and only exclusive hair extensions salon to carry the new method of Micro Strands and Micro Weft applied with the nano links. It is a cold system that requires no glue, no braiding or heat. Made with 100% Natural European Hair.
The methods are currently performed in France and only the elite have been taking advantage of the 2 new great systems.
Micro strands “the world’s smallest nano links in the world! The links are so small that are almost invisible and blend with your hair, the hair is reusable for one year.

Micro Strands is the ideal method for women who suffer from thin fragile hair. Please read more in our methods section.
Micro Weft “the world’s thinnest and made weft system” applied with no braid or glue, the weft is attached to the hair line and is invisible, ideal for women who suffer from thin fragile hair; it is also great for fullness and length. Please read more in our methods section.
We carry the largest selection of hair extensions brands in every texture and length up to 30” inches long.
Most salons will provide you with a fee over the phone but when you actually go for your free consultation price instantly doubles!
This is why we came with our No Hidden Fee Policy, you will be provided a price and this is the price you will pay. We carry so many brands of hair extensions to suite every budget. You will be able to choose what you want to pay rather than what a salon would charge you.